The estimated delivery date for your order may change depending on when the tickets are released. For sporting events and some concerts, tickets are often released very close to the event date, sometimes only a few days or even 24 hours beforehand. This is due to security updates, artist demands and technology changes. We recommend you to provide an address in the same city of the event. 

The date shown next to your order is based on the seller's availability of the tickets (e.g., if the seller has them at the time of purchase) and potential delays in ticket delivery. We can't ask the seller to update the delivery date. 

Has the estimated date provided during the purchase process passed? 

If so, the seller might have adjusted the estimated delivery date that we communicated to you in the confirmation email. To check the current estimated delivery date, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your StubHub International profile.
  2. Go to the 'Orders' section, under the 'Current' tab and find for your order.

  3. In the 'Delivery' section, you'll see 'Ready for {date}', which indicates the date given by the seller.

Once the tickets are delivered, you'll receive an email with instructions (if they are electronic or mobile transfer). You can also check your order status by selecting 'View details' under your order in My Account.

Don't worry! With our FanProtect 100% Guarantee, we ensure you'll receive your tickets in time to enjoy the event.

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